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[SAG] Concepts (2) - The Integrated Master Schedule

by Bright령 2023. 3. 4.


The Integrated Master Schedule

: EPC 프로젝트에서는 Level-3 Schedule 또는 Project Control Schedule 이라는 말로 사용하는 스케줄에 가까운 것 같다. EPC 프로젝트에서 Master Schedule이라고 하면, A3 용지로 1~2 페이지 정도로 작성 되는 스케줄을 말하여, 해당 스케줄에는 Project의 주요 Activity, Milestone, Critical Activity 등을 표현하며, Project의 전반적인 일정을 파악하는 목적으로 작성 되며, Top Management 보고에 사용 된다. SAG에는 이 스케줄을 Summary Schedule이라고 하는 것 같다.

아래의 문구 등을 통해, IMS가 Level-3 Schedule을 의미한다고 이해하였다..


The IMS must be a complete and dynamic network. That is, the IMS should consist of logically related activities whose forecasted dates are automatically recalculated when activities change.


the IMS includes summary, intermediate, and all detailed schedules. At the highest level, the summary schedule provides a strategic view of the activities and milestones necessary to start and complete a program. The intermediate schedule includes all information displayed in the summary schedule, as well as key program activities and milestones that show the important steps in achieving high-level milestones. At the lowest level, the detailed schedule lays out the logically sequenced day-to-day effort to reach program milestones. Ideally, one schedule serves as the summary, intermediate, and detailed schedule by simply rolling up lower levels of effort into summary activities or higher-level work breakdown structure (WBS) elements.

▶ EPC Project에서 주로 사용하는 용어로 대체해 보면,

Summary Schedule -> Project Master Schedule (Level-1)

Intermediate Schedule -> Project Summary Schedule (Level-2)

Detailed Schedule -> Project Control Schedule (Level-3)


If the schedule is not planned in sufficient detail or collaboratively by team members and stakeholders, then opportunities for process improvement (for example, identifying redundant activities), what-if analysis, and risk mitigation will be missed

▶ Activity의 Level of Detail에 대해 간략히 언급한 것으로, Schedule이 어느정도는 상세히 작성 되어야 함을 강조한다.


